How to increase potency in men after the age of 60 – the means and ways

The level of libido, the opportunity to experience the excitement/orgasm and their brightness depend on hormone levels. When imbalances in sexual activity, obscured. Potency in men and to 60 years is always lower than that of the youth, and the cause is the age. The older man, the most "weak" in bed.

The reasons for age impotence

The reasons for age impotence

In the active reproductive age in the body of men is produced by "auxiliary" hormone inhibin. Its role is to stimulate the growth of sperm. It works in pair with a stimulant (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. With the passing of the years, the production of inhibin In the fall, after the menopause, and can not get down to "no".

The payment increases the level of hormones FSH and LH. As A result of a background that people change. In his youth, have in their blood dominates dihydrotestosterone – the most active testosterone in terms of the willingness and ability of procreation. Reduction in the age of synthesis, inhibin, moves the attention towards the reduction of the production of testosterone. Yes, and become the more "active" form develops more slowly, as a result, the power turns off.

The power gain in men after the age of 60

Predict in advance the effectiveness of measures to stimulate the libido in men over 60 years is impossible. Increase libido here will depend on the severity, the age of hormonal changes, the state of the cardiovascular system and other "features" biological age – is not a "passport".

But in the majority of cases, the prognosis for increasing male potency is beneficial. In any case, if we are talking about patients over the age of 60 years with no "aggravating factors" diagnosis of prostatitis, adenoma, interventions on the genitals, children, deviations in development (cryptorchidism, hydrocele), atherosclerosis over 2 phase.


Increase potency in men after the age of 60 requires in the first place to increase the level of activity of testosterone (thus it supports the majority of the doctors). However, after the withdrawal of the hormonal drugs disappear and achieved with their help, the results. In addition, the excess of sexual hormones in the blood of men, post-menopausal women full of heart attack, stroke or cancer one of the producers of the endocrine glands (prostate, testes, adrenal glands).

Between steroids funds to increase the power the most famous – enanthate of testosterone. His release in solution for intramuscular injection, used – 50 mg, once every 14 days. It is possible, and the scheme of 200 mg per month, but its use is more common for men to 60 years. Among others, low-cost solutions available:

  • anti-spasmodics. The only condition – the need to insert directly in the tissue of the penis half an hour before sexual intercourse. The point is that relaxes the feed member blood the blood vessels and helps the erection;
  • blockers – one of the most famous and completely natural. This alkaloid also causes relaxation of the peripheral blood vessels. Drink to 2-2,5 milligrams three times per day, with food;
  • medicines against depression. They are recommended for use on 30 mg once a day, for an hour or three before having sex. The ability to artificially increase levels of serotonin and renew the excitement of erection (0.15 gram a day, but in 2 of the receipt, where the most you can drink before going to sleep, and only 1/3 in the morning).

Compared to the pharmacy, herbal remedies have fewer side effects, better in combination with alcoholic beverages, without which there is neither a romantic encounter. In their list:

  • natural remedy in drops of aphrodisiacs and stimulants power, open the healers of different countries. In their composition are popular in the Middle East, fucus, fruit african ginkgo biloba, maca, peruvian, and chinese ginseng. Can be combined with alcohol. The medication drip 7-8 drops under the tongue, in the morning and in the evening, drinking all the drinks at discretion. The general course of increase the power lasts a couple of weeks to a month;
  • pads the drug on the basis of elatively. Contains extracts of damiana, wheat germ, Poria coconut, dwarf lily, and sassaparila. Drink the tablets should be 1 or 2 capsules daily, after meals, 30 days. One-off double dose you can increase the power already after 15 to 20 minutes;
  • funds in capsules for power lifting with the rarity of various composition. Among the non-vegetable components includes the horns of a tonic, propolis and oleoresin of cedar. Herbs part of the drug to increase potency is represented lovage, nettle, Orchis, Zhgun-radix (fruit), guarana, mulieres here in emendo anavar, the red root. Men over the age of 60 years is the recommended scheme taking 1 capsule in the morning and evening, 5-7 consecutive days. Then it is better to take a break for a week and repeat.

Folk remedies

The differences between the use of the developed pharmacists of dietary supplements and methods of alternative medicine are in a specific choice of these or other components. In this case, science has borrowed a number of exhibits at the sorcerers. Only doctors, unlike doctors, the more we tend to rely on the so-called adaptogens.

The remedies of vegetable, animal and mineral source to increase the vitality and the immune system. Official medicine believes that the effect of these funds is too unpredictable, but the people trust them.

Folk remedies
  1. Echinacea purpurea. 50 g of roots mixed with 20 g of the seeds of echinops and 60 g aruda. All together, pounded with a pestle or ground in a blender, pour in 1 tablespoon. l. obtained the basis of 250 ml of vodka. There is a ground-glass stopper and leave for a couple of weeks in the dark in a warm corner, shaking occasionally. At the end of the maceration tool to filter and drink: 10 drops, diluted in water, half an hour before meal for 25-30 days.
  2. Pasternak, dandelion and nettle also help to improve the power. For the preparation of drugs of these 50 g of root parsnip, well washed and chopped, mixed with taken for 100 g of young leaves of nettle and dandelion. This "salad" you can fill with vegetable oil with the vinegar and salt moderately. Eating should be 250-300 grams per day, for any number of techniques, for up to 2 weeks. After advisable to take a little break.
  3. Euphorbia. Its root is cut, divided by 10 g, and insist week in 0.5 liters of vodka. Shortage of raw materials through a sieve and consumed with the objective of strengthening the attraction of a teaspoon (pre-dissolution in water) in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. General English course – 14 days.

Other methods and tips

The receipt of natural, synthetic, hormonal, and all other means to increase the power there is always an alternative. Physiotherapy and do not lose their relevance and effectiveness in 20 or 60 years old, and have no contraindication, except acute, when in need of emergency care. The body of age, men respond to physiotherapy, even more than the youth, the positive changes have obvious bright.

  1. Physical exercise. The activity is useful at any age, but in advanced age, when the body processes slow down, the effect she feels better. The most useful of the gymnastic exercises for the normalization of erectile function are: squat (if not the usual virtues, at least to the knees), the technique of Kegel, jump rope, rhythmic rotation of the pelvis.
  2. The massage. The classical ideal (back, testes, penis) and exotic options (thai, thuine, etc.). Of age, when the congestion of the pelvic develop in force on aging of the joints and muscles, massage and worth visiting at least once a week. This will allow, in general, improve health, increase sexual desire, so as – to restore the authority of the basin.
  3. Hirudotherapy. The saliva of leeches of all types, including medical, contains hirudin – anticoagulation enzyme a bit weaker to heparin. Treatment of them makes the blood fluid, helping to restore the erection and to prevent cardiovascular diseases, complications during sex. Self treated leech difficult and detrimental – this should be done only with the participation of girudoterapevt.

After 60 years for all men and women are typical symptoms of prostatitis. They may be visible, more or less, but there are always. This disease is dangerous complications on the urinary tract system. It also reduces the libido and worsens hormonal balance.

The power gain after age 60 may require the execution of every morning for the following actions:

  • sit with the legs stretched on the floor near the wall of the room, put your hands behind your head (a difficult – you can cross on the chest) and swipe the efforts of one buttocks and legs to the opposite wall. Repeat two more times, and most times (depending on the distance);
  • during urination try to stop the current of urine, the tension of the pelvic muscles. Repeat 2-3 times for defecation (and then at least once a day for two to three months).
Physical exercise

You can also purchase and apply up to three days a week, a special massager to massage the prostate.


Age-related changes in the "work" of the penis is impossible to prevent and only stop to check their to have little influence on the private life. Men who want to preserve the youthfulness of the reproductive system up to old age, it is enough to worry about his health in adolescence:

  • avoid loads of infection intimate relationships;
  • do not engage in "sex-marathon" with more than one partner, or a single, but throughout the night without interruptions;
  • do not re-cooling the genitals:
  • do not isolate them beyond measure (this leads to sterility);
  • protect the area of the scrotum from injury, including lifting excessive weight.

It is possible to fully restore erection in 60 years?

After the menopause, in both sexes the chance to read you shrink in an irreversible way. But it is not always a bad thing. The sexual act gives a great load on the heart and blood vessels. 50 years their aging reaches the escape velocity, and a 60 sex "as a youth," may end up heart attack/stroke. Described in this article tips will help you restore your normal sex life (2-4 sexual intercourse per month), is more than enough at that age. Completely (100%) to restore the power does not work.